Good special
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this... I was hesitant at first because I knew the dreaded R word would be used considering the content and time period it was made (only 1x or 2x that I caught it if the word offends anyone else like it does me).. And I was unsure how the special needs person would be portrayed and if their family would reject her. I'm mixed on both counts.

The father ended up moving out after he yelled at her causing her to pee on herself, it was for the best. She didn't deserve to be yelled at and shamed by him, so good riddance Dad if you ask me... The brother's mix of acceptance and rejection was sorta understandable but hard to take sometimes, I am a sibling of a special needs brother myself. The mom got the most sympathy from me. She had patience, love, and acceptance. But I was mad at her for using the R word and for not blaming her husband for leaving. Yes it was for the best like I said, but he definitely should have had more patience and acceptance. Geez, how was he when the son was in his terrible 2's?! Geraldine was a sweetheart, she got into trouble a lot simply because she didn't know better. It's sad that she is treated and viewed as a burden. She deserved better.

Overall I think it did a good job bringing to light what can happen in deinstitutionalizing a child.
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