Beyond hellish
30 April 2019
Horror is not my favourite of all the numerous film genres, but do still highly appreciate it. It has its fair share of classics with some deservedly iconic characters but has an equal number of misfires. So no bias against it, always actively made an effort not to show any bias against any genre (likewise with towards too) in order to be fair-minded.

Will admit right now to not being a fan of the 'Wishmaster' series, but watched them as part of my horror franchise completest quest. One of many quests, none of which finished but they have all been fascinating if variable rides.. Once checking out the first film, just had to see the sequels. Found the first 'Wishmaster' to be entertaining and watchable but am not sure as to whether to call it good. Can understand though as to why some have affection for it but it is easy to understand the criticisms. That can't be said for its sequels, like some franchises the series got worse with each film. While considering the second film lacklustre, it is a masterpiece compared to the others, which are really not worth watching unless for completest sake.

Am always trying to see the good in everything and everyone, which has led to being considered too trusting and being polite to avoid friction in real life. Regarding film there has been a tendency to get hot-headed and over-passionate when objecting to how people word contrarian opinions (again trying to see the good). Despite that attitude, 'Wishmaster 3' is just an abomination and a disgrace to the series.

Its least bad asset is AJ Cook, who tries but it is fair to say that she has gone on to much better things and she has significantly grown as an actress since (evident as JJ in 'Criminal Minds').

Everything else ranges from bad to horrendous. John Novak is a beyond terrible substitute for Andrew Divoff, whose absence is sincerely felt immediately and it leaves a huge hole. There is just no menace in Novak's interpretation or any dark humour, he is just goofy and comes over as incredibly irritating above all else. Plus his look has to be seen to be believed and that is not meant in a good way. As unfair as it is to say, Jason Connery possesses none of the charisma, suavity or talent of his father Sean and he never looks like his heart is in it. Tobias Mehler's role is just weird and never gels in the film, he doesn't do much with his role either. The characters don't engage and nothing is done to develop them or allow the viewer to endear to them.

Production values manage to be even cheaper than the vastly inferior visual quality of the second film. The camera work is drab and chaotic, while the gore effects (well the special effects overall) are cheap and overused to gratuitous effect. It is even more difficult trying to hear the dialogue without keeping a straight face, the excessive cheese becoming far too much. The deaths are not suspenseful or creative and the wishes are a long way from creepy or amusing, pretty dumb actually. The story is often over-stretched and uneventful, with many scenes going on for too long, lots of stupidity, no surprises and any few attempts at scares being completely lacking in imagination. Nothing is darkly humorous, original or suspenseful and mostly not interesting, and the direction lacks distinction and confidence.

Altogether, a nightmare. 1/10
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