Little (I) (2019)
A little entertainment goes a long way.
21 April 2019
All in all, 'Little (2019)' is a '2-star' movie with a '3-star' execution. It's not fantastic, by any means, but it's better than it perhaps ought to be. It tells a generic tale in a generic way but does it well enough that you not only don't mind but that you're also entertained, essentially, all the way through, more or less wrapped up in the predictably ridiculous, if strangely satisfying, machinations of the pseudo body-swap story. The basic premise is that it's 'Big (1988)' except she's 'little' and the movie goes through the usual motions associated with this sort of narrative - wherein a magical circumstance forces a character to confront their flaws and, hopefully, change for the better - but it does a decent job with most of them, even if it has maybe one too many sub-plots to be classed as especially 'focused'. It's a testament to the writing that you can truly dislike the lead character at the beginning, when she's grown, and then come to care for her as the plot progresses. It's not like her motivations are ever a mystery but they're well-rounded enough to feel believable, both before and after they begin to change. Martin really is great as the little Hall, feeling like an extension as opposed to a replacement. Hall herself puts in a decent effort but occasionally seems slightly too broad for the established tone. Rae, cast in a role that constantly vies for protagonist status, is also good. However, her character sometimes seems a little more forthcoming than you'd think she would be (personal growth notwithstanding). Still, both central figures fully undergo expected yet satisfying arcs. To that end, the story itself comes together fairly nicely, rounding itself off before devolving ever-so-slightly for a 'dance-party'-esque final scene, despite the fact that it plays out, essentially, exactly as you'd expect. It does feel a tad long, though. The whole thing is just quite likeable, in a way. It's never exactly funny but it's never unfunny, either, and - while it may not be fresh or, even, especially deep - it's enjoyable enough. It's also never boring. At the end of the day, a little entertainment goes a long way. 6/10
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