Review of Vice

Vice (I) (2018)
The Vidiot Reviews...
4 April 2019

The Bush presidency was so obsessed with oil because they needed it to lubricate Dick Cheney's moving parts.

And while this biography doesn't confirm the former VP was a robot, it does address his lack of empathy.

Thanks to his wife (Amy Adams), Dick Cheney (Christian Bale) lands an internship with the Nixon administration where he becomes Donald Rumsfeld's (Steve Carell) lackey. His moral ambiguity and position at Halliburton make him the ideal running mate for George W. Bush (Sam Rockwell). However, Cheney wasn't there to play second fiddle, and after 9/11 he became the puppet-master.

Although brimming with outstanding performances, this dramedy about the former Veep is terribly one-sided. Narrated by a fictitious soldier and framed as part documentary, director Adam McKay attempts to edify viewers with misplaced humour and cartoonish depictions of non-democrats.

Incidentally, at the end of his term, Cheney was converted into a Florida voting machine. Red Light
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