The Vidiot Reviews...
17 March 2019
Mary Poppins Return

The only time you really ever see your childhood nanny again is when they are on trial for sexual assault charges.

Surprisingly, the caregiver in this fantasy has returned to help a former patron who has hit hard times.

Left to rear his children after his wife's death, Michael Banks (Ben Whishaw) now lives in his family home with his sister Jane (Emily Mortimer). But with no money coming in the family faces foreclosure. Thankfully, help descends from the heavens in the form of the Banks' former au pair Mary Poppins (Emily Blunt), who, along with a lamplighter (Lin-Manuel Miranda), distract the children from their hardships.

Disney's unexpected sequel to its 1964 adaptation of the children's book pays ample tribute to the original by featuring animation and live-action sequences, but tarnishes it with lacklustre songs, a marathon running-time, and a sterner nursemaid than previous depicted.

Moreover, if Disney wants to modernize the beloved nanny than Mary Poppins should really be Hispanic. Yellow Light

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