The Vidiot Reviews...
17 March 2019
If Beale Street Could Talk

Even if streets could talk no one would ever be able to hear them over all of the traffic.

Similarly, the pregnant woman in this drama is being drowned out because of her race.

Discovering that she is pregnant shortly after her boyfriend Fonny (Stephan James) is sent to prison for rape, Tish (KiKi Layne) vows to prove his arrest was racially motivated by the police in time for their baby's birth. Meanwhile, Tish's mother (Regina King) tracks down the victim who identified Fonny as her assailant and pleads with her to change her testimony.

Beautifully shot and scored with strong performances, this nonlinear adaptation of James Baldwin's 1970s era novel about racial inequality in New York is also very timely. However, the overall story is too rambling, while the dialogue is over-the-top and the ending unsatisfying.

Besides, police stop sending young black men to jail a long time ago. Red Light

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