Happy Death Day 2U: Cashgrab
16 March 2019
I was stupidly excited for the first movie only to be a little disappointed, it was good but didn't live up to its potential. A sequel I thought!? How could they possibly do that? And except from a financial standpoint why would they?

Rumored to be the second of a trilogy, I'm sad to say that the first thing that comes to mind after watching it is that it's a blatant cashgrab. The first movie made them a shed load of money so they felt obligated to make a sequel and rushed it out without little care and attention.

Following on straight from the first film we see another time loop and Tree once again investigating why it's happening. Honestly, I struggled to get behind the plot this time as I deemed it pretty pathetic by comparison.

Happy Death Day 2U though a huge disappointment and mindless cashgrab isn't a bad film, it's just poor compared to the first and clearly rushed out to capitalize on the popularity of the original.

If they're going to make a third I'd suggest they give it additional time, better writers and entirely go back to the drawing board because this was messy.

The Good:

Jessica Rothe

Nice follow on

Some funny moments

The Bad:

Considerably weaker writing

Blatant cashgrab
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