The Vidiot Reviews....
12 March 2019
The Legend of 1900

Ocean liners are the ideal jazz venue because the audience has no means of escaping.

Conversely, the pianist in this drama is attracting passengers to his vessel.

When a ship worker finds a baby aboard the SS Virginian, he raises it as his own. But when he passes, the child - dubbed 1900 (Tim Roth) - must fend for himself. Eventually, he learns the piano and joins the vessel's orchestra - never once stepping foot on dry ground. When word of his talents reaches the mainland, famed pianist Jelly Roll Morton (Clarence Williams III) boards the Virginian to challenge him to a piano duel.

While the narrative never goes beyond the concept, and 1900's character arc is basically nonexistent, this adaptation of an Italian novel makes up for its shortfalls with dynamic direction and scorching soundtrack.

However, if the ship ever starts sinking it's probably smart to say you play the triangle. Green Light

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