The Vidiot Reviews....
12 March 2019
Mortal Engines

The best thing about living in a steam-punk environment is that your clothes are always wrinkle-free.

However, the engines employed in this sci-fi fantasy are used for more than pressing trousers.

After a great war, humanity lives in massive metropolises that absorb smaller outposts into their steam-powered framework. But when London consumes a mining town, it brings aboard a masked interloper, Hester (Hera Hilmar), who wants revenge on the man who killed her mother (Hugo Weaving). Luckily, she has help from a local (Robert Sheehan) and a cyborg veteran (Stephen Lang).

While the world building is a wonder to behold, the end result of this YA novel adaptation is not as breathtaking as the scenery. With lackluster performances, this perfunctory tale of revenge plays out pretty much as one would expect.

Furthermore, in a world run by engines, your city is going to be in the mechanic's shop a lot. Red Light

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