Very enjoyable return - one for fans and new viewers
9 March 2019
I remembered the second season of this show being a bit weaker than the first, and then since then all the band members went their separate ways and doing well. This meant I wasn't missing the group aspect too much as we had the seasons to go back to, and plenty from them as individuals. As a result I sat on this special for a while before watching it. When I did, I found them back on top form and very good in front of a crowd. They broke character a few times but mostly it added to the comedy and sense of enjoyment. The deadpanning, the word play, and the catchy songs were all of a high standard and it produced many good laughs as well as generally being consistently funny throughout.

The venue appeared huge but yet their act remained as effective as it was in smaller venues or in the intimacy of the TV show, which is down to their talents as comedians. A great special for fans, and a great way to be introduced if you haven't seen them before now.
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