Gotza few gooduns
7 March 2019
I'm a hardcore "B" movie fan, the cheesier the better. However IMO there's a hugh difference between something that was supposed to have been a well made movie that came out bad and these New Age homages to the B film era. You cannot make a movie under the guise of "I'm going to honor this director or this actor who was in a bad movie" by purposely producing another bad movie. A "B" movie isn't something you can set out to produce. No one in the 50s and 60s was going to a probucer saying I'mgoing to make a bad movie, it just happened to work out that way. I say if you set out to make a bad movie that's just what you'll get a bad movie. I've watched plenty of these New Age "B" movies they were bad real bad, however, this "Naked Monster" is an exception. Now I'm not saying it's a good movie, trust me it isn't but it is a really good job of paying homage to many of the actors and actresses who have appeared in our favorite B movies of the past. Starring Kenneth Toby and many other favorite actors from "B" films such as "the thing from another world" "the war of the worlds" "it came from beneath the sea" and I think just about every other movie Kenneth Toby was in. It uses plenty of footage, dialogue and script material from our past favorites, mixed in with new footage using what was back then the state-of-the-art special effects that produced those cheesy scenes we loved so much. There are a few gratuitous scenes showing nudity but they are short. T The most fun I had was trying to recognize the B movies scenes cut into the movie and guessing who the actors were. Here's a hint, Dr. Carrington played by Dr. Carrington himself. I thought the movie was acceptable and could maybe watch it a second or third time just for the nostalgia but honestly I kept expecting Joel,Tom Servo and Croooow to pop their heads up but they never did.
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