Absolutely stunning!
6 March 2019
Seldom does a film catch me as thoroughly as this film did, no matter if it isa true story, or not. Eijofor takes this story and makes an epic saga about a poor family that against the odds conquer the odds. He wrote the screenplay, he has the lead rolem, and he directed it. Not a simple task, and not every man is up to such a challenge. I seem to recall Clint Eastwood, but that's it.

The support cast is superb, not least the politicians that doesn't like to be told what they should do, and their henchmen who kill anyone with a smile, not unlike Trump and hi staff of currupt ay-sayers.

Heartily recommend everyone to see this flic, it is fun, sad, makes you angry, and upset, and then laughing. And ends with a big smile!

The lead actors are fantastic, but everyone, from the president and down does a fantastic job!
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