The F.B.I.: The Exiles (1965)
Season 1, Episode 9
Inspector Erskine...a mercenary who loves to play with demolitions?!
28 February 2019
"The Exiles" is an unusual episode of "THE F.B.I." for two reasons...first, the agents are in sympathy with the folks they are infiltrating and, second, Erskine of all people plays a mercenary who loves demolitions!! This certainly is odd casting...but the episode is still quite enjoyable.

It seems that political refugess from the dictatorship of Belagua are living in the United States. This isn't a problem...the fact that they are training an army here in volation of the Neutrality Act, is. Additionally, the Agency knows that there is some traitor among these people who is leading the army into a trap...but the exiles are slow to believe it. So, Erskine infiltrates them, playing a disaffected and dishonorably discharged munitions expert from the army.

The most interesting thing about this episode is another chance to see a familiar character actor, Carlos Montalbán--brother of Ricardo. Additionally, it's rather fun seeing Erskine play tough as well as toss a bomb at an FBI car...blowing it to smithereens. Most enjoyable...though a bit far-fetched.
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