Dead Body (2017)
Not as bad as the know-it-all reviewers say.
27 February 2019
Short and sweet.

There is nothing prophetic or Uber original about this film. Bunch of kids up at a cabin in the woods, yada yada yada.

But, I enjoyed the (short) run time of about 75 minutes. The reviewers panning this all have similar issues:
  • they say it has nothing new to offer, then
  • they compare it to other films, then
  • they take issue with the acting, or direction, or some other if they could do it better.

So yeh. There's nothing really new to the genre. But who cares? If every film that didn't offer something new was the sole reason for disliking a movie, then it would be a bummer of an existence. Sometimes 75-90 minutes of escapist horror is just what the doctor ordered!

Comparing films to random others is my pet peeve. Why? Unless you want to show off your tremendous wealth of knowledge, the only time comparing films works is when there is a red thread (eg same director, same actors, sequel, etc). Otherwise, there is simply no basis for comparison, and personally, it makes people appear ignorant if they can't understand that fact.

Taking issue with specific facets of a film is the most rational explanation for disliking a movie, and while this was not an Oscar worthy horror, it was definitely not worthy of any hate. The acting was average to good (for a big budget film), as was every other facet in Dead Body.

Do yourself a favor and watch this if you enjoy this type of horror - slasheresque, cabin in the woods, mystery who dunnit kinda thing. You will likely not regret it, especially considering that it is a (quick) 75 minutes run time.

Parental content:
  • there is a fair amount of profanity. They're high school graduates for crying out loud.
  • no real nudity, but plenty of sexual innuendo and discussion about sex, as well as the sounds of a couple doing the deed.
  • some intensity and jump scares, but not what I would consider a scary movie, per se.
  • alcohol and cigarette use, one scene of drug use, and discussion of drugs.
  • there is a fair amount of bloody violence and a couple of moderately gory scenes. Nothing over the top, but more than just slit throats and other common kill devices. Two scenes in particular that might make folks with light constitutions a bit queezy, and couple lesser scenes that offer some decent on-screen blood and ick. Definitely not a gore flick, but a couple of good scenes for those who enjoy that.

I could have easily given this a 6, but went with the 7 for no real reason other than it could have gone either way, as both ratings (for me) signify an average to above average film. And was enjoyable.
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