Shoplifters (2018)
24 February 2019
Maybe because I work in a retail store, I perhaps have a bit of a one sided, or jaded approach to theft, or shoplifting seeing as the store where I work deals with it on an almost every day basis. This ranges from people peeling off stickers on items and replacing them with lower ones to get away with paying less, or sometimes it's just a simple matter of people stuffing items into their purse, backpack, or pockets to get certain items. I tend to be a bit more lenient when it concerns this as opposed to some of my coworkers and superiors who would probably prefer me to be as tough as nails on the issue. While I am totally and completely against all forms of theft and robbery, I still can't help, but think that maybe there are some underlying issues here that should be paid attention to. Are these people doing it because they are kleptomaniacs and get a thrill from each item they steal, or is it more than that such as people who are hurting financially and could really use a break? The store where I work is a charitable organization, so we do have programs and services set up to help the less fortunate and if one of them came to us with a letter, or voucher from a shelter, or government sponsor, we would certainly and have given out free clothing and supplies. Is it really necessary for people to steal, or are some doing out of absolute desperate means? This new film, Shoplifters asks a very important question with this as we see this group of people who engage in stealing and otherwise dishonest means in order to support themselves. We see the kind of place where they live and how rundown it is and how most things people here in America consider everyday life these people would consider an absolute luxury. Is it necessary for them to carry on this lifestyle and what example is it setting for the children and could it possibly later corrupt them? The film places no judgments upon them by either saying they are good, or bad people, but instead shows us a different kind of lifestyle and one that is perhaps unknown to most of us, but probably should be known. We worry about the influence of these people and how long they can get away with what they are doing as well as when trouble does finally come, what will be the outcome? We see that this group of people do generally have the best interests of one another and they seem to have a bond that even when it is tested seems to be something that can't be separated. The film presents an interesting topic and suggests that maybe there is more services and programs necessary for people like this and as viewers we are not to turn a blind eye against the poor and needy, but to help out in whatever capacity available. The performances are all very natural and genuine and henceforth more believable and emits more empathy from the viewers. This is a film with something important to say and yet it doesn't judge, or condemn, but instead leaves us with a lingering problem that suggest that as a people and society we have a lot of work to do. A moving film that is a masterpiece in and of itself and one of 2018's finest achievements.
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