Possibly the worst romantic drama ever made.
8 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Alright so I guess its no surprise to anyone that Im not a fan of romance or romantic comedies so granted this was not my type of film. Still I like to see a little bit of everything and sometimes I get something good. I checked out a film called No Greater Love from 2010. I was curioues because I heard a review of it and the reviewer said it was pretty crazy. Thats enough for me to check it out. No Greater Love is a shallow, dull and flat out dumb film about what people should not do. It has a 6.0 on IMDB which is just bizarre.

The film is about a married couple (Jeff and Heather) who one day Heather just leaves her husband and newborn child. She is missing for 10 years and presumed dead. 10 years later Jeff has moved on and is about to propose to his new girlfriend Katie. Jeff's son goes to a day camp and finds out the one person who works there is his mother Heather whom he does not know is his his mother. Eventually Jeff and Heather meet again. Instead of Jeff being mad like any normal person would be he is very forgiving. This is where I got angry at this film. Jeff and Katie break up because apparently he in still love with the woman who betrayed him and left him to singly raise their kid. Poor Katie tried was so nice in this film trying to be a good would be stepmother and a good girlfriend and she gets the shaft by her would be husband. Katie disappears from the film. Its pretty sad how this film treats her. The rest of the film is mainly Jeff and Heather going back and fourth arguing about her new religious beliefs.

I wonder what the message of this film is. Screw the people who love you and love the ones who hurt you? If you vanish for a decade everyone will easily forgive and forget. To me Heather was the villain of the film and she gets the happy ending. This movie just really pissed me off. There is nothing good or redeemable about this film. I have never seen a worse drama of this type.

And the cherry on top. The DVD has a quote saying Powerful by the American Family Association which is a certified hate group!
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