Not The Conclusion We Waited 24 Years For
8 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, when I saw the trailer for this, I was excited. As a kid, I saw 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo sometimes, and it was good, since it dared to do something different with the famous mystery-solving Great Dane and had him and his friends face off against real ghosts. Sadly, it was cancelled after only 13 episodes, and with all but the 13th and final ghost being sent back to the Chest of Demons. Now, 27 years later, Warner Bros. releases this original DTV movie, and sadly, they do not do a good job tying up loose ends.

The first problem with the film is Daphne becoming the leader like in the original series. However, this DTV special also has Fred and Velma, who were not present in the original, involved. This causes the two to go into an out of character moment, where Fred tries to find what he is good at, and Velma trying to disprove the 13 Ghosts are real ghosts (which is strange, considering she saw real monsters in Zombie Island and The Witch's Ghost).

Another problem with it is how the story is done. In the original, Scooby, Shaggy, and Daphne were joined by Scrappy and a con-artist named Flim-Flam, however, in this film, while Flim-Flam returns (as a teenager), Scrappy is nowhere to be seen. The intro never displays him, and when Flim-Flam mentions him, Velma asks him "What's a Scrappy?", which is a clear sign that this movie basically erased Scrappy-Doo from the continuity, which is sad. I know Scrappy gets a lot of hate, but he should've returned, especially since Flim-Flam, who also got his fair share of negative criticism, was allowed to return. Also, Weerd and Bogul, the two ghosts who serve as henchmen for the ghosts and were the reason why Scooby and Shaggy opened the chest, are also absent, which makes no sense.

But the worst part of this whole movie is the fact that it takes the plot of 13 Ghosts and destroys it. Basically, in the end, the 13th ghost is revealed to be just another guy in a mask, in this case, Vincent's old ally, Mortifer, who discovered the chest with him. Also, it drops the bombshell that the 13th ghost, Asmodeus, is an ancestor of Vincent, and in the end, Velma dismisses the events of the movie and the 13 Ghosts series as a hallucination.

In conclusion, this movie does not give the ending to 13 Ghosts that some Scooby fans wanted. In fact, watching the film, it seems that the people who made this film either never watched 13 Ghosts before making this or were forced to change the ending to make it as it is seen. The only good parts are the flashbacks that add backstory as to how Vincent came across the Chest of Demons, and the fact that Maurice LaMarche does a good job voicing Vincent Van Ghoul. sadly, the movie is littered with numerous continuity errors that would make diehard Scooby fans go on the internet and rage. While the younger Scooby fans may be interested in this, as they probably won't know this is based on a cartoon from the 1980's unless they have it on DVD or saw said series on Boomerang or somewhere on the internet, and probably won't care, longtime Scooby fans should stay away.
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