If Beale Street Could Talk
30 January 2019
Occasionally before seeing a new film at the theatre, I will peruse the user and critics reviews for said film, both on this site and a few others as well. When it came to the reactions from certified critics, it was pretty much unanimous across the board that If Beale Street Could Talk was a general hit amongst critics with some calling it among the best films of last year. When, I looked at the user reviews for the film from just regular viewers who had happened to see the film and comment on it, I got almost the exact opposite response than what the critics were saying. Some people had a few pleasant things to say about it such as the acting, music, or cinematography being well done, but generally the comments that I kept seeing over and over again was that the film was slow (or many derivatives of the word such as "boring" and others to indicate that it would put you to sleep) and they also seemed to say that it was an uninteresting film and just plainly that not a lot happened during the course of the film to warrant any interest, or capture the audience's attention. Having just got home from a screening of the film I can assuredly say that I happen to be in the majority and with the critics regarding my overall feelings for the film and as to the naysayers, I will gradually try to break down their criticisms and show why I felt the exact opposite to their response. As for the film being slow, that is something that I would say is true, simply because it tends to focus on details, emotions and lets us as a viewer to savour and get totally drawn into the charactes and their given situations in the film. It is not particularly fast paced and if in all honesty, I would have to say that this is probably what would turn your average viewer off the most because it usually has long takes, or certain scenes where there can just be moments of dialogue between any number of characters, or other scenes where there is just absolute quiet and stillness with nothing being said, or done except for maybe some background music for ambiance and effect. This was appropriate I felt in order to create a mood and a general atmosphere of the film, but to also have a lingering effect upon the viewer. At times some of these moments enhanced feelings of sadness, or desperation on behalf of the characters and at other times there would be close up shots of the two main characters for example who could be seen simply holding on to each other in a long embrace to simply show the love and the unbreakable bond between them even in the midst of adversity. This also allowed us to slowly yet gradually get to know the different characters we are introduced to during the film. It is like a slow burn that starts off meagre and takes awhile to grasp, or truly take hold, but once it does it not only captures your interest, but also your empathy and emotions as well. As for those who said that not a lot actually happens during the course of this film, I would instead argue that quite a lot does indeed go on yet at a pace and style that most traditional filmmakers would avoid. As we go through this film we are dealing with characters who have struggled some for years and others through the course of their lives. They haven't always had the right ingredients for a great beginning, or a successful life in the eyes of some, but one thing that does remain constant is the general support for one another even when others turn a blind eye and everything seems hopeless. These are all people regardless of their circumstances who all seem to yearn for a better and more productive future not only for themselves, but also for the ones they love. They are held back often by things such as oppression, or hatred, or sometimes a lack of education, or financial resources and they sometimes have to rely on what talents and skills they have been given in order to forge ahead and make any kind of a life for themselves. We see their obstacles, we feel their pain and we know that things might not get better in a hurry, or possibly ever, but they still grasp at any chance of hope that they can get. This is a film that captures a certain family and characters based on a fictional novel of the 1970's, but when you look at the events and how they are played out, sadly most if not all of it could be played out the same way almost fifty years later. This is a film that truly has great care for these characters, but does not sugarcoat, or give us an unrealistic ending that makes everything better in a heartbeat, but instead shows that sometimes we have to truly hang in there no matter what we may be facing. Sometimes even for the long haul. If it had made everything better and sugarcoated it, the film would have felt false and would in a lot of ways been telling a big lie, but here it is honest yet remaining somewhat hopeful for these characters. The film is often moving and tragic at equal opportunities and it is captured by subtle yet powerful performances and a script and direction that handles with care and great empathy. This may not be a watch for everyone as the user reviews reflected, but if anything I just wrote had any kind of effect, or curiousity stirred within you, then you may want to give it a try and as it stands If Beale Street Could Talk is one of the best films of 2018 and I can guarantee that it will most likely appreciate and get better also upon repeat viewings.
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