Swimming with Men: Synchronized swimming Full Monty
24 January 2019
I tend not to like British cinema, the movies have a nasty habit of following certain formulas I can't abide including trying to turn criminals into protagonists and most of those are on show here.

Based loosely on a true story it tells the tale of a man suffering from a mid-life crisis who joins a mens synchronized swimming team (As you do).

Starring Rob Brydon, Jim Carter, career villain Nathaniel Parker and the always likeable Jane Horrocks it has no shortage of talent and they certainly make the most of the script.

It's a feel good affair, another underdog tale with goofy characters and just enough blend of comedy and drama. The trouble is as mentioned it suffers with many British cinema tropes and that really damaged the film, some of it's structure is baffling, the "Lovable rogue" criminal protagonist never sits right with me and the ending felt rushed.

I get the appeal of Swimming with Men, it'll appeal to the very same people who enjoyed the Full Monty (1997) and Brassed Off (1996). For me it's flawed but charming.

The Good:

Competent cast

A few laughs to be had

The Bad:

Thomas Turgoose

Oddly structuring in places
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