You either love him or you hate him, and I'd rather be with people that love him.
18 January 2019
George Carlin is a waterfall of words, one that can't be stopped once he's going. In this show he's like he always is, critical about everything he witnesses, critical about the same things we all think but never say. He might have a negative view of the world, like I do, but you can't blame him for telling the truth in a funny satirical way. I don't think it can be offensive enough as we sometimes need a good piece of truth shoved in our face to make us realize we are all pawns of this corrupted society. Secretly eveybody gets his message but sometimes it's just difficult to admit it. Another show of George Carlin, where he rants about everything he hates and that's just never boring as a show. You either love him or you hate him, and I'd rather be with people that love him.
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