Mary Poppins Returns
17 January 2019
I haven't seen the original 1960's film version of Mary Poppins since I was a child, but I look back fondly on a lot of those Walt Disney films that I discovered as a youngster. I am not sure if they still do this or not, but back when I was growing up, our Canadian Broadcasting Company (also known as CBC), would have a program every Sunday night called The Wonderful World of Disney, where in the space of about two hours, they would either show a Disney movie whether it be live action or animated as well as shorter cartoons and specials as well. Back then this was something to look forward to at the end of the weekend because we all knew that school and work was ahead of us the next day, but it was a wonderful way to unwind before that and it would also be something where the whole family could sit around together and watch some quality and wholesome entertainment. I would imagine that perhaps that is where I saw the original Mary Poppins film as well as so many other Disney films. Now normally I am not in favour, or in the habit of liking, or endorsing any kind of sequels, or remakes, but having now seen the sequel simply titled, Mary Poppins Returns, I can take a step back and acknowledge the fact that even I can make mistakes and this is one sequel that is just as good as the original and even more than 50 years since we last saw the character of Mary Poppins, I am pleased to say that it is a much welcomed return. I was so impressed for one how filmmaker Rob Marshall and his crew managed to capture the style, the mood, the look and even the joy of the original film of the 60's. Yes it does have new actors in the starring roles, but everyone here from Emily Blunt as Mary to a wonderful cast of supporting characters are all superb here from the adults to the children actors. Julie Andrews who played Mary in the original film left some big shoes to fill, but Emily Blunt was willing to take on that challenge and succeeds in every single way from her mannerisms to her wonderful singing voice to the simple joy and magic that emanates out of every moment we spend with this character. It is a wonderfully joyous and fun character that is also played to perfection by Blunt and any awards accolades she receives for it would be well due. The film is a musical just like the original and I found often the songs were cheerful and fun whilst rounding out a very entertaining and overall enjoyable times out at the cinema. One concern I have with modern films is that they tend to go too much in favour of CGI and special effects, but thankfully the filmmakers here tried to make the film look and feel like the original and they accomplished this fantastically. We have sequences of live action and even animation where the cartoonists even happen to capture what made the animated characters in the original and other Disney films so much fun. And, I am happy to report that I did not detect any 3D animation in sight, but back to good old hand drawn animation. The film is over two hours long, but do not let that detract you away from seeing it because I did not feel that there was a single wasted moment in it's entire running time and the editing as well as quick witted and often humorous as well as whimsical script and performances keep everything very lively and the film could have been even longer and I still would have loved every minute of it. The costumes to the sets and backdrops are all so well done here as is the overall joy that one gets from watching the film. It surely planted a smile upon my face that began within the opening credits and stayed long after the film was done. This is an example of a piece of filmmaking where everyone knows exactly what they are doing and instead of copying, or trying to improve upon the original they instead make a worthy follow up to it that I think if Walt Disney himself were alive today that he would give the film his total blessings. This is a film that will appeal both to viewers young and old, which you certainly can not say for all family films in this day and time and this is certainly an experience to be treasured as well as watched with friends and family just as those childhood days in front of the television on Sunday nights. This is one of Disney's best outings in a long time as well as surprising me myself by my personal accolade of calling it one of 2018's best films which it certainly is in every and any category.
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