Give Him Up Gurl ... He Ain't All That!
13 January 2019
The film opens with Marcia (Joan Crawford) waiting for her date Sherry (Robert Montgomery) to pick her up for dinner. He was supposed to pick her up at 7:00. At 9:00 Marcia says To Heck with All This and crawls into bed. Of course, he eventually does show up. He bursts into her room (because people didn't lock their bedroom doors in those days) and she tells him that it's over and to get out!

Or at least that's how it -should- have played ... but that would make for a short movie.

Instead, he gets her out on the town for dining / drinking / dancing. We see that Sherry is a very popular person and something of a "ladies' man". He never sits still and wants to hit as many clubs / parties as he can each evening. He's not the type to settle down!

He's also not a man to trust around your wife. Marcia and Sherry run into Jim (Franchot Tone) while they are at the bar. Sherry woo'd Jim's wife Diana at some point and she left Jim for him. Then Sherry grew tired of her and now she's married to some British aristocrat. Jim hasn't forgiven or forgotten.

That's why it's something of a surprise that Sherry kind of proposes to Marcia later that evening.

We don't see the wedding, but we see Sherry working his magic with some nubile young woman he runs into at the beach on their honeymoon. See, a leopard just doesn't change its spots.

Later, back in New York, Marcia has made plans to spend the weekend in the country. Grandmother Fanny (Edna May Oliver) and family friend / perpetual drunk Edgar (Charles Ruggles) joins them ... but Sherry is distracted by someone who was supposed to be Edgar's date - Theresa (Gail Patrick). Marcia, Fanny, and Edgar make the train. Sherry calls Marcia at their country house and lies to her about staying in town for the evening so he can take Theresa out for a spin. Marcia knows it's a lie and confronts him the next day.

This is where Joan displays her talent for slapping!

Anyway, Marcia has a plan to get even with Sherry. She throws an impromptu party and invites women Sherry has had flings with and men who have been affected by those flings.

Wouldn't you like to know how it goes?

This is a fairly pleasant film with some frustrating moments. I failed to see how Sherry is such a catch. He should have been thrown to the curb long ago; but I know it was a very different time back then. Adrian, Joan's favorite gown designer, went a bit over-the top with Joan's collars in this flick. In one scene her dress had a -square- collar, and in another she wears this big bizarre rigid bib/ funnel thing. It looks like she could've dumped her dinner on the flat part then held it up so it would slide down into her mouth. What was he thinking?

And on a random note ... Does anyone in this silver screen universe -ever- finish a drink? The bartender pours a cocktail, the players touch the rim of the glass to their lips, then they're off to the next thing.

Overall I'll give this film a ... *shrug*
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