A fiery glow
25 December 2018
The Red Stallion Of The Rockies is a wild horse that has been terrorizing ranchers and leading their horses astray to join the herd he's building. But after Arthur Franz and Wallace Ford hire on as extra hands at Ray Collins's ranch they recognize the horse as one who was a circus performer at the show that closed after a fire. The horse was thought lost in a fire.

The red comes from some paint dye that Wallace Ford gave the animal giving his mane a fiery glow. But at night he spooks those who see him and he's given a dead or alive price by law enforcement.

As for the humans in the cast Franz get in a nasty triangle over Collins's granddaughter Jean Heather with Collins's lout of a nephew Jim Davis. Collins is a puritanical sort and Heather wants to break free and see something of the world. Her source of comfort here is her grandmother played by former silent screen star Leatrice Joy.

Red Stallion Of The Rockies is a nicely photographed story and a fine cast of players in their roles. The climax of the story is an animal fight with the horse and a creature you don't suspect as being aggressive. But that's not something I will reveal.

A family film that holds up well after 70 years.
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