Good, well made documentary, but doesn't question enough the actions
20 December 2018
Really professional documentary with all the key players involved, certainly giving me an insight into the motivations and hard work behind keeping the US and probably the world economy afloat. However...what was disappointing was the lack of challenge to the actions that took place, the lack of a counter view. All we got was the acknowledgement that they realised their actions were unpopular, but they maintained they were necessary.

The government, financial watchdogs and banks caused the recession due to a combination of actions. Successive governments starting with Reagan and leading to the present day have removed the "checks and balances" that were in place to prevent another depression. Where are the consequences for these people?

  • How can any system & country be in a situation where a private company can destroy the economy and create misery for millions?
  • Why weren't measures and controls in place to ensure this didn't happen?
  • Why weren't all the management removed for all the companies involved?
  • What measures are now in place?
  • What retrospective actions has or is happening to hold the banking system accountable for the misery they created?

Unfortunately, in the end we only got the perspective of the people that caused this crisis and how they went about trying to fix it.

There were other options; how about nationalising the banks to ensure credit was lent to businesses (I know the US is irrationally against any form of socialism, but this was a viable option). A recession is not caused by the banks going bankrupt, it was caused by the lack of "credit" being available to businesses and people, so resolve that issue, rather than just keeping the guilty people in a job and maintaining a morally corrupt system.

Anyway, it was a well-made documentary, just too one sided and no real challenging questions were put to the people who caused the problem.
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