Bottom 100, here we come
5 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
WOW, WOW, WOW. Urban Massacre fulfilled my deepest fears and desires with it's crass racial stereotypes, awful direction, terrible kills. And it's also features one of the most obnoxious, yet hilarious cast of characters ever to grace a slasher film.

Urban Massacre from the first opening seconds hits you with it's crap production values and the dated late 90's rap video direction. Garbage, garbage editing. As in no effort. Coverage is minimal and is assembled without any hint of real consideration. The acting i would call naturalistic as everyone is basically playing themselves, but it seems themselves were lost a hell of a while ago before being captured in this towering underground achievement, biatch!!! So, what are we left with? Everyone is a caricature, a joke. Reality tv grade. Not an ounce of real personality to be seen here.

Urban Massacre is one step up from Albert Pyun's Urban Menace only as in that it did not give me eyestrain. There's not much to see as the lighting is ok. Nothing too distracting. Composition is pedestrian, but apart from the music segments, everything is clear, in focus, unbelievably as the camera moves! In some shots. No, Urban Massacre, if not shot on early plasticky digital video, would have looked the piece.

That's all the positive i can say though as Urban Massacre is painfully evident as the work of people who think highly of themselves, but little of anything else.

As the slasher film, the kills are pathetic and mostly off camera. The clown disguise is cliche and makes as much sense as the rest of this. God all mighty, i have to talk about the editing again.

It fails all the bloody time. The film is just below mediocre as long as there are no cuts, whatsoever. After those few respite seconds, we get dream sequences, pointless interview montages, colour filtered scene transitions and it's all some of the worst i've ever seen. IMDB bottom 100 guaranteed. The only reason why Urban Massacre is not on that once respectable list, is because less than three hundred people on one of the most popular movie related websites on the entire internet has claimed to have seen it.

Even if the excuse was to just be a promotional video for a record label's talents, that still wouldn't be good enough as it's all just terrible. Lyrics and beats are just as forgettable as the majority of the picture attached to it and Urban Massacre is good for nothing... more than one good laugh.
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