Conan the Adventurer (1992–1993)
Mighty Adventurer
26 November 2018
This is another one of my favorite animated shows of all time. I'm a fan of the Conan franchise Conan is one of my favorite fictional heroes, my first experience with the franchise was seeing the 1982 film when I was about 8 years old, I love the stories from Robert E. Howard, as well as the comic books from both Marvel and Dark Horse. Seeing this an animated series based on this was a dream come true.

The animation is great, I really love the background animation as it really captures the look and feel of a world that possibly existed before our birth, it's a place that is both fascinating and dangerous at the same time, there is fantasy but a small sense there is a little bit or reality involved as some of the customs we see are somewhat familiar to what we have in the present and locations are based on ones from lost civilizations. I really like the character animation, people look like people which has became a lost practice in most animated shows which when you think about it is kind of weird.

The action is solid, it's true we don't see gore effects like you normally would from the Conan stories since this is a kids show. But that doesn't bother me as the action is well choregraphed we still see Conan doing what he does best, kicking ass and taking names with his cool Atlantean sword, fists, and muscle. Likewise, with the rest of his compatriots. Really like the music mainly the theme song which is one of my favorite theme songs of all time. It's a bit funny from the chorus singing in an overly masculine tone and a little of that plot synopsis told but at the same time it really gets you pumped knowing your in for one heck of an adventure with a tough hero to get behind with. What really powers and drives the show is in its story, structure, characters, along with the development in those areas. I really love the story which is loosely inspired/based on Robert E. Howard's Conan stories. This show walks that fine line of having its own take on the Conan stories and the world he inhabits while at the same time staying true to it as most of what I recognize from the franchise is there.

Some of the concept of the plot which is a bit like John Carpenters "They Live" in a way this show is the closest we'll probably get to an animated series of that movie. Rathamon and the rest of Set's snake race all use mystical guises to look like regular mortals which makes them both dangerous and a little creepy as deception is probably the most dangerous as it means they can look like the next person you pass by and slip though and do certain things out of our sight.

I really like the structure where the episodes weren't all random but went with an ongoing plot development which at the time wasn't common place in animated shows nor even live action shows so this show somewhat predates shows like "Once Upon a Time", "24" etc. As we see there are some arcs, even some episodes that have some crucial info you don't want to dare miss as it plays into what goes on latter on, but I also like that this show in some episodes included some of the Robert E Howard's stories retold in this show, like there was one episode that had the character Valeria shame she didn't become a permanent edition in the show which I'll admit was sort of a lost opportunity.

The characters are great as they have a great voice cast behind them whom are composed of some of my favorite voice actors. I really like how well rounded the characters are both good and bad and both possess a certain amount of depth and development. There is not one character I hate except for Needle whom is one of the only bad things about the show just another typical comic relief no one asked for as he's fraking annoying though useful in some instances and thankfully not in the episode too long.

The Good Guys: Conan voiced by Michael Donovan is just perfect as Conan, his voice just fits like a glove, whenever I read some of the comic, I always imagine his voice. This version of Conan is a little different like we don't see the Bond like womanizer aspect it's a kids show after all but also the same as some things about Conan are still there. I really can emphasize with Conan on many aspects, how fiercely determined he is on his quests, the savage fierceness and thrust for adventure and battle, takes crap from no one and nothing man or beast, has strong emotions carries within him a inferno rage toward Rathamon and what he did to his parents, but what I really love about the guy is that he is a doer, he does what he feels is right to suit his whatever desire comes to mind and just whatever he sets himself out to do, and will let nothing and no one stop him.

Jasmine voiced by Janyse Jaud whom is one of my favorite voice actresses as usual has hot vocals and is hot in real life (yeah had a crush on her). Anyway, I really love her character Jasmine whom is awesome one of my favorite female protagonists. She's a tough girl that has got just acrobatic and martial arts skills, her specialty weapon is the shuriken's which can always return to her wrist holster safely. That feature is awesome as it allows you to throw the desired amount without having to worry about ammo conservation or if you miss your able to receive another chance. But I really love her persona as she's fiercely independent, won't take sexist crap, but also despite a touch exterior she really does have warm compassion underneath.

Zula whom is voiced by Scott McNeil a favorite voice actor whom really supplies a lot of the voices in this show as he also voices the main villain Wrath Amon and good guy Grey Wolf. The voice for this character is cool, he sounds like Destro from "G.I. Joe" and I honestly thought it was that same voice actor but it wasn't. His character is a bit like "The Beastmaster" as he has the mystical skill to summon and communicate with animals to come to his aid. But he's a good number 2 for Conan as he really does look out for Conan and has a level headedness in the dynamic and passive aggressiveness that Conan lacks sometimes.

Bad Guys: Wrath Amon he's pretty much Thorth Amon from the Conan franchise but they changed the name for some unknown reason but same difference. He's a good villain sort of an honorable mention in my favorite animated villains. This guy is true to his name, as he is just a real ruthless power mongering b......, just does everything in his power to accomplish his primary goal as well as employ every dirty tactic in the book to destroy or thwart his enemies mainly Conan, little knowing what he's doing is just adding more fuel to Conan's rage, like pouring gasoline onto a bonfire.

Wing Fang is pretty cool as he's a humanoid dragon but what really makes him stand out is that he's the most tragic when we discover more about his past and the Beauty and the Beast like dynamic between both Jasmine and him which I thought was sweet, there should have been more development and more episodes/arc with those two which I'll admit is one weakness of the show, maybe if there was another season there would have been but there wasn't which is weakness two.

Mesmira voiced by Kathleen Barr another favorite voice actress, whom is sort of like Evil Lyn from "He-man" or Queen Beryl from "Sailor Moon", whom is hot with that outfit and everything (yeah I have a thing for bad girls), she pretty much the typical evil sorceress archetype that craves power and has a bit of a domineering complex as she not just want dominance of power but Conan by her side.

It would be awesome if we had another animated Conan series but one for the adult audience, so we can have the gore and other things we know and love about Conan, or better yet a live action series (a good one mind you) but put it on a premium channel, it's a thought to consider anyway.

If you're a fan of the Conan franchise just like any hidden discovery Conan uncovers it's well worth discovering, Conan the Adventurer is mighty fun.

Rating: 4 stars
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