Hamster PSA (1997)
Hamster PSA: I.....erm.....wait....what?
26 November 2018
This Troma short stands at just under 3 minutes but was enough to give me a serious case of the what the hells!?

Bear with me because this is gets confusing.

Hamster PSA is a public service announcement brought to you by Troma and Lloyd Kaufman, hosted by a random blonde in a bikini and was written and directed by James Gunn.

Yep, THAT James Gunn. The guy behind the Guardians of The Galaxy movies and a slew of other AAA Hollywood films. He, is responsible for THIS! A mock public service announcement for hamsters!

I don't like Troma at the best of times but this?! I wouldn't even know where to start. It's like a Saturday Night Live skit if SNL was made for children and played on Saturday mornings! Oh and the writers were monkeys, blind monkeys, blind monkeys who had secret issues with the studio and intentionally wrote poor material to force them into bankruptcy.

Yep, it's like that.

The Good:

It's really short

The Bad:

It's really stupid

Things I Learnt From This Short:

Seeing this has changed my mind, James Gunn should be exiled from Hollywood

I really need to stop watching Troma

Public service announcements aren't very appealing for humans
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