Citizen Toxie The Toxic Avenger IV: A franchise ending on the lowest note imaginable
22 November 2018
As I settle down to write this I see that the current featured review refers to this as "One of the greatest movies of all time" this hurts my brain.

Now I've never been a fan of the Toxic Avengers films, prior to this out of a potential 30 points the three previous films attained a remarkable *Drumroll* 7 points from me. They're dumb, they're silly and they personify Troma films perfectly.

Made 16yrs after the first movie this 4th and I do hope final movie is the worst of the bunch by a long margin and will be one that lingers on my mind for longtime to come for all the wrong reasons.

Our hero (And I use that term loosely) finds himself transported through time and space switching places with an evil version of himself. Cue more stupidity, childish humour and stuff that I don't understand how it even constitutes as comedy at all.

So why the 1/10? For me that means a movie is devoid of all redeeming features and has absolutely nothing going for it therefore are rare entities. Well because it suffers from all the same issues as the first three movies but this time ramps them up to the next level.

The writer was clearly trying to shock, trying to be as sick and inappropriate as possible throughout. Don't get me wrong I'm not easily offended (And wasn't here) and am entirely 100% anti-censorship but this was just nasty stuff. When you actively mock the mentally disabled throught the 90 minutes, resort to making multiple rape jokes and have crass characters whom I couldn't even name or describe without breaching IMDB's t&c's you've sunk too low in my opinion.

The violence is considerably stronger than previous films, it's riddled with camero appearances by the likes of Ron Jeremy, Julie Strain, Corey Feldman and Lemmy "Motorhead" KIlmister and all the usual cast members have been recast.

Citizen Toxie is a dire childish movie that makes me thankful the franchise has died.

The Good:

Some oddly good political and social commentary

The Bad:

Excessively crude in places

Some jokes are really quite sick


Lloyd Kaufmans direction

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Pregnancy tests, now in braille

Abraham Lincoln was bi-polar

The best ladies of the night accept cash or pastries

Noel Gallagher is the worst superhero ever
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