AMAZING MOVIE if you know what you're getting into
5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I understand all the hate this movie gets because the cover basically lies to you. This is not a big budget kid's fantasy adventure movie. It is a very low budget Christian family film, filled with unintentionally (and times intentionally) hilarious performances and "action sequences." This movie is INCREDIBLE for those aspects just as long as you know what kind of film it is. Go into it with the right attitude and Chris Fable will be an experience better than most of the big-budget Hollywood shlock that has nothing interesting or unique to offer. I guarantee that Chris Fable will find ways to surprise you, not necessarily for the better but it should put a smile on your face regardless. Also I want to give some shoutouts to the hilarious villain at the end (Luc) and Chris for keeping a straight face the whole time. The nice thing about this movie is that it feels way less cynical than many "bad movies" I've seen, it feels genuine like Tommy Wiseau's "The Room." Also the soundtrack was surprisingly good, shame I can't find it anywhere. Really helps set the mood for what turns out to be a finale that will win you over if you like demonic swords, classic Gojira-style robots, and very large hams. Just a taste of some of the bizarre, inexplicable content this movie has to offer. Overall I don't see how you can turn your nose up at this movie unless you were conned into it expecting something different. Lots of bad movies gain cult followings and Chris Fable sorely needs its own. If may not have converted me to Christianity, but it definitely is a movie that must be seen to be believed!
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