Lemonade (I) (2018)
Lemonade - a reasonable way to look towards immigration
28 October 2018
I've watched this great movie at "Les filmes de Cannes a Bucharest", the Romanian Cannes retrospective and I have to say, I am pleased to see that a subject like immigration in an era where this illness is spreading very quickly, is so sincere discussed on a screen. And when I say sincerely... there are lots of things to pay attention to, lines, characters or image.

We watch the story of Mara, a Romanian immigrant who is trying to offer to her child the best life possible, in America.

Only that there is a lot more to this image of America that America itself struggled to make us believe into. And the adventure of Mara becomes very quick since here arriving in America, a lot more dramatic than it was and could possibly have been... in her birth country.

This is a solid script that has some comic inside built also strong dramatic plots. The acting is high and that helps a lot the audience to believe that this can happen in real life as well.

The cinematography tho is so well crafted that you forget you are watching the work of a man who was handling the camera and keeps you there for the entire experience.

This is Ioana Uricaru's future movie debut and I for one looking forward for more great and sincere storytelling coming from a great cinematic mind.
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