Review of Fear, Inc.

Fear, Inc. (2016)
The point is that a game.
13 October 2018
Oct 7

A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Fear Inc." (R - 2016 - US)...This was fun!

Sub-Genre: Slasher/Comedy My Score: 6.8

Cast=5 Acting=6 Plot=8 Ending=10 Story=7 Scare=6 Jump=5 F/X=8 Funny=7 Chemistry=6

A horror junkie and his friends sign up with a company that brings their customer's greatest fears to life.

"Either way, we're white, we're rich. The cops are gonna be here any second." I liked this was funny and it had so many layers. You get a lot of play on the classic horror movies and then it completely changes direction. I loved the's worth it just to get to that part. If you are any type of fan of the Slash/Com, this is worth a watch!
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