Review of Saw IV

Saw IV (2007)
I'm mainly writing this review as a rebuttal to the reviewer who bashed Tobin Bell. The movie is mediocre, but there's no reason to bash an actor doing their job.
8 October 2018
To the person who wrote that Tobin Bell needs to broaden his acting scope. I strongly suggest that person try taking a look at his body of work before during and after his portrayal as JigSaw. Born in 1942, he was in his sixties for the first film. He typically plays a soft spoken bad guy, such as in The Firm as a hit man in 1982. Jump forward to The Quick and The Dead where he has a small role as the first bad guy Sharon Stone encounters riding toward town. He is excellent at what he is asked to do. If it's possible for those reading my words...try thinking for a moment about Hollywood and what they expect from a leading man. Tobin Bell has only the fact he's not short going for him. Otherwise, his appearance regardless of age is not what Hollywood would cast as a leading man, just as they have done to Lance Hendricksen although he has been fortunate enough to get roles in big time movies. He also was in a small role in The Quick and The Dead as did Gene Hackman and an unknown Russell Crowe and very young Leonardo DiCaprio. Heck of a cast for a small budget movie done by the same guys who did Xena and Hercules TV shows. I will rest my point here.

For those who make unresearched remarks about the skill of an actor. Do some homework first before taking a cheap shot at a person you'll never meet while hiding behind a computer screen. List your accomplishments you can prove...THEN perhaps you can berate someone if you ARE worthy.
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