Malevolent (III) (2018)
One of the best supernatural horror movies of the year.
8 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have just finished watching this movie via Netflix and I am stunned to see it has such a low rating! This is a genuinely frightening horror movie!

Set in 1986, a brother and sister (Jackson & Angela) led team of 4, scam those believing they are haunted by the supernatural, with fake cleansings, as a way to make a living. The brother and sister use the notoriety of their deceased mother, a medium of some fame, who's gift with speaking to the supernatural led to her gouging out her own eyes, and her suicide.

Angela (played by Florence Pugh) is failing in her studies in Uni, is feeling guilty, and wants to end their scams, while her brother, who owes money to some dangerous people wants to continue their scams. After an unusual event at their last cleansing and some strange dreams where she saw her mother, Angela agrees to another cleansing scam. This one, however, takes place at an old large mansion, where 3 young girls where supposedly murdered by the owners son.

From here there are some very frightening and violent scenes as first Angela, and then Jackson, begin to see the supernatural, as their own inherited gift to communicate awakens. There are some twists that, whilst not really surprising, were still shocking.

The cast is terrific, especially Florence Pugh as Angela and Ben Lloyd-Hughes as Jackson. Pugh is surely to become a star with her performance. As Angela, Pugh gives a terrifically understated, nuanced and realistic portrayal, showing emotion and range beyond her years. Lloyd-Hughes' portrayal as her arrogant, selfish and cynical older brother, is played beautifully opposite to Pugh's Angela, being loud and brash to her quiet and thoughtful, yet so obviously so reliant on his sister.

The film is a genuinely interesting and scary supernatural horror, without resorting to the tropes seen in the big Hollywood blockbuster horror movies like The Conjuring and Annabelle. Malevolent is well paced, tight and atmospheric, and unapologetic for what it lacks (Hollywood names, budget), turning them into strengths.

A certain 10/10. A sequel with the surviving (and not surviving!) characters would be terrific!
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