Obscure for good reasons
23 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This vanity project for actor George C. Scott (who not only starred in the movie, but directed, produced, and acted as its distributor) has been pretty much forgotten today, with no signs that it will be resurrected on DVD or Blu-ray. There's a good reason for that... make that a number of reasons why. Certainly the subject matter - incest - will make it unappealing for many people, but also how it is handled. If you are looking for sleazy thrills, you'll be very disappointed; while the movie got an "R" rating, by today's standards (or even normal 1970s standards), the movie is more deserving of a soft "PG" rating. It instead tries to be a more thoughtful and serious take on the hot-topic subject matter, but it fails in this regard as well. It's incredibly slow and long (almost two hours long), with a limited amount of dialogue. As a result, the movie becomes both very boring and lacking in deep character development. Scott the director can't seem to do anything to add any spark to the limited narrative or the atmosphere, with the exception of some really amateurish camera movements here and there. If you really want to watch this obscurity, as of this date it's available on YouTube. But more likely than not you'll want to fall asleep before the end, as I almost did.
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