This is not an exceptional film
14 September 2018
  • however, this also far from bad.

The drawbacks on this film are:

the horrid soundtrack which keep playing non-stop - and the bad choice of music as well

the poor lighting

bad editing

bad voice syncing

lack of camera angles

lack of intenseity

lack of fear from the very beginning

A really good cast - a decent budget, some decent camera work, a far better sound track, some intense music which brings out the story and a little more thought put into this - as well as another rewrite or two on the script to bring it up a bit would have made this much more interesting.

This had a small budget and some close to new beginners for it's crew and cast - and while it's not horrid, it's not great either.

There is plenty of potential here - but is was passed on for something that is just watchable - but nothing special.

I easily would have developed this into a much tighter intense story - with some fear from the very beginning.

There was no fear or anxiety and there was no depth - and there should have been plenty.

Depth, some nice camera work, better editing and some intense mystery - as well as some mystery and a backing soundtrack that isn't nerve-racking would have made this into a really cool movie.

Even with the two leads, they weren't bad - but in the wrong hands with the low budget, they missed the opportunity to shine.
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