The Predator (2018)
The Predator we deserved
13 September 2018
The Predator is a pretty good franchise.. In my opinion none of the movies are directly bad. Alright, AVP:Requiem maybe isn't a classic, and Predators was a slight miss, but the rest are pretty decent. Of course the original being the best. Anyway, we now have another one, and I'll be damned if that one isn't good as well! Actually, I'd say it's bloody good. *wink wink* Tons of humor, tons of action, no shaky cam, a whole bunch of recognizable faces, from Olivia Munn to Jake Busey, and the best part? It's rated R. And it's not one of those R-rated movies where you doubt if it actually IS rated-R. There is no doubt. The blood is splashing and heads are rolling. It's very enjoyable. The chemistry between the characters, especially the "team" is excellent, and I ended up liking them all. The kid is good, Miss Munn is good, it's all good, ya dig!? I enjoyed it very much. It's just super entertaining to watch the Predator tear stuff up. And by stuff, I mean people. I'm sure it might be a little breezy for some, with little sense of real danger, and the music seems sort of Star Warsy and out of place, but in the big picture I just didn't really care about those small complaints. Shane Black really did good with this one, I hope people go to see it. Superb popcorn entertainment, with a side of blood.
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