Goofy fun.
7 September 2018
Thanks to a Romanian curse placed on him when he was a teen, homeless saxophone player Kaz (Scott Valentine) turns into a demon whenever he gets horny (don't we all?); this causes him much concern when he falls in love with pretty New Yorker Denny (Michele Little). Will Denny accept Kaz's strange affliction? Will Kaz be able to control himself when in demon form? And do his demonic blackouts have anything to do with a series of brutal attacks on women in the area?

Goofy horror/comedy/romance My Demon Lover is very silly stuff, but thanks to a likeable cast, and some impressive special make-up effects courtesy of John Caglione and Doug Drexler, the whole thing is hard not to enjoy. Valentine manages to be one of those quirky oddball characters so prevalent in the '80s without being too annoying, Little is cute and endearing, and her best friend Sonia has got big hooters. Putting in strong supporting performances are Arnold Johnson as psychic street-person Fixer and Robert Trebor as lovelorn loser Charles, and producer Bob Shaye's sister Lin has a bit part as well (surprise, surprise). Caglione and Drexler's contributions include cool demonic makeup, a fun transformation (with bulging spinal ridges), a couple of great 'gags' (my favourite moment: the woman having her head smashed), and a pair of extending leathery bat wings for Kaz.

An energetic final act features a high speed car chase (with Kaz and Sonia clinging to the outside of their vehicle) and a confrontation with the real killer (you didn't really think it was Kaz, did you?) on top of Belvedere Castle in Central Park, rounding off the film in style.
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