exotic setting (desert) is about the best part of this
2 September 2018
Golden Gate Pitchas presents.... Flight to NoWhere. At the very beginning, we witness a murder. don't know what, where, or why. seems to be over uranium. Mysterious lady with an accent calling herself a Countess, hires a charter pilot to bring them to Death Valley. She seems a little reluctant to answer questions. all very mysterious. Story jumps all over the place. Stars Alan Curtis as "Carrington" and Micheline Cheirel, the Countess, who may or may not be who she says she is. Alan Curtis died young at 43... complications from surgery. he played Philo Vance in a couple of the chapters, right after making THIS film. It's all very "B" movie.. the acting, the editing, the sound and picture quality. and the script -- the Countess is scared and asks for help, and suddenly he must kiss her?? where did THAT come from? and Carrington's ex wife pops up out of no-where, and knows the Countess. all pretty random. Directed by William Rowland. he only directed ten films, but seems to have produced many more during his career. couldn't find much info on Rowland or on Golden Gate Pictures... looks like GGP made six films. it's mildly amusing, but quite flawed. Needed a better script, editor, and director.
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