Batman: I'll Be a Mummy's Uncle (1968)
Season 3, Episode 23
The Final King Tut Episode Ever
24 August 2018
King Tut (Victor Buono) makes his final appearance.

Very funny and very clever episode. It seems the writers of the series still have some clever plots to tell even right down to the 4th last show of the series...this adventure makes you wish 1966 Batman got another season!!!

The moment where King Tut finds the man-sized dummy Batman must go down as one of the most amusing moments of the whole series.

Also note, we get some new camera angles of the batcave here, but why did they wait so long in the series to use them...better late than never I guess.

As this is the last Victor Buono show in the series, some viewers might wish to track down other non-Batman Buono work to keep the experience alive. If so, I personally would watch the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode titled, The Cyborg (1965), where Buono is still up to no good and making killer robots.
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