Review of Meaning

House M.D.: Meaning (2006)
Season 3, Episode 1
You can't always know what someone needs
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is weird. It's too obvious, as some reviews pointed. You know since the beginning the wheelchair guy is going to be cured, you know they are not going to tell House about it. It's also contradicting, as House himself pointed during the episode. He was happy and clean for the first time in years, and just now they were worried about his motives? It doesn't make sense. Not to talk about Cameron being more stupid than ever. But, it is a very good episode. Foreman allowed himself to show some admiration, Chase exhibited his professionalism (and outshone his colleagues). More than that, the emotional downfall of House is very smart. He starts the episode happier than ever, trying new things, running, being thanked. In the mid of the episode, he is having doubts. Tries to give back the "thank you" he received, begins to sabotage himself. In the end, his old miserable self is back. I think there is a major importance to this episode, it gives the obvious conflict the show needs to continue, but it also gives a meaning to the story. Other reviewer considered that Wilson did what was good for House, associating it to the Rolling Stones song. Oh no, House didn't get what he needed. The downfall previously mentioned finds it's explanation in the treatment he receives from everyone around him. Cameron is miserable for unknown reasons, and treats House as bad as she can. Cuddy can't seem to withstand a better House, punishing him for it, and later believing him, but not allowing herself to show it. Wilson gives him good advice, but acts behind his back (damn traitor), he tries to "protect" House, but ends up being his cancer.
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