blood brothers
13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are many pairs of fictional heroes as inseparable as oil and vinegar : Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are but one example. To this list one can add Winnetou, a noble Native American chief, and Old Shatterhand, his white friend and blood brother. The books containing both characters have been read, translated, adapted, serialized, filmed and studied to the point where they have become an institution throughout the German-speaking world. (I once watched German street performers telling a W & OS tale by using painted Easter eggs : it was good, though somewhat light on backstories and motivation.)

It is debatable whether Karl May was a great author, but he did have two great qualities : he could make people dream and he was capable of selling any old toot as if it were gold. Read his tips and descriptions about hunting, fighting, shooting, exploring : they sound good, don't they ? But much of it is as useful as a jukebox in a nunnery.

May's books have also been spoofed. "Der Schuh" is a very elaborate spoof, made with a great deal of money. The lavish budget made possible some very impressive locations and scenery. It isn't a very good movie, although it contains some good jokes, gags and puns. (Trying to translate these puns must be hell on earth.) The plot is mainly an excuse for the said jokes, gags and puns. A well-constructed, witty screenplay might have lifted the movie to a whole new level.

I've laughed out loud a couple of times, especially during the "Superperforator Song", which rather worries me.

The most remarkable thing about "Der Schuh" is that it contains a great big honking stereotype about homosexual males, in the shape of a gay man (the twin brother of the pseudo-Winnetou) who lives on a pale pink ranch, picks darling little flowers, giggles and wiggles and prances, and drinks colourful cocktails with paper umbrellas. We're talking the year 2001 and gays are still funny, because.
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