Review of Sky

Sky (2015)
What's In A Name?
30 July 2018
A Frenchman and his wife are vacationing around Twentynine Palms, and are driving through the desert going who-knows-where, to "repair" their relationship. A stop at a desert bar, where hubby gets drunk turns to disaster and she wacks him a few times with a lamp in a motel room. Now, she's on the run and doesn't know whether hubby is dead or just injured. Her guilt causes her to stop at a police station to confess, however, an investigation determines that he's not dead -- just hospitalized. And, she's not going back to him. Instead, she hitchhikes to Las Vegas. She gets a wonderful job and lives happily ever after... well, not exactly. You'll have to watch this one to see how well her choices go.
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