Tied for worst show ever with the Eric Andre show
19 July 2018
This is the absolute worst show ever. I've been watching twisted shows on cartoon network since my teen years when space ghost coast to coast first came out. They've had some awesome shows & shows horrible enough to make you feel like your brain leaked out your head & your whole life has been a complete waste. This s**tshow ties with the Eric Andre show to completely beat out all those other worst shows ever. It's like real bottom of the barrel material for both shows. So far deep into the bottom of the barrel that's it's scraped through the stone cellar floor below into earth's bedrock while holding Eric Andre's show's hand. They really need to take this off air asap. There's no actual humor involved even though they try so hard... really way too hard... so hard it's painful how awkwardly this show trudges along. 10 minutes of waste management that feels like an hour had passed. This show has no flow whatsoever. No clue what a flow even is. It's so all over the place that it puts ADHD to shame. It's like a slow boy who retained his feverish obsession with gross/immature/psychotic imagery & poop/vomit/sodomy jokes/pranks far, far beyond acceptable boundary levels & now he's just this obliviously obscene pity charity that is actually so gross you cringe when he's nearby & avoid contact at all costs. Complete bull & Adult Swim needs to make better choices (like Bob's Burgers & Rick and Morty) before their viewer base makes better choices.
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