Review of Darc

Darc (2018)
A surprisingly good action flick
16 July 2018
When I saw it on Netflix I didn't expect much of it. A gaijin dude and the yakuza, I kinda expected a B-flick, but the nostalgia of the ever so bad it was good Christopher Lampert movies of the 80s got me intrigued enough to give it a watch.

Man, am I glad I did. I went in with zero expections and what I got was a solid action movie. Now, this is not a masterpiece of the ages and it doesn't have the production of a John Wick movie, but for what seems a semi low budget movie they made it work. I was truely impressed.

It is brutal at times, the actor's are quite decent and the main role plays off his strong silent type incredibly well. You even feel for him at times.

If you want to watch a solid action flick this is a great way to spend an evening IMO. Don't expect more or less than that.

It is a solid action movie, and it doesn't try to be anything else - and that is what made it work.


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