Decent But Waterdowned Thriller
9 July 2018
Stone Cold Dead (1979)

** (out of 4)

Richard Crenna plays Sgt. Boyd who is out trying to solve a group of bizarre killings where a sniper is taking out women involved in the sex business. As he grows closer to the killer it's very possible that someone he has a connection with might end up on the hit list.

If you're a fan of 70s cinema then you probably know about 42nd Street and the various types of sleazy movies that would play there. Snipers, pimps, dirty cops, hookers and drug use were just some of the subjects that would be covered in those types of films and all of those elements are on display in STONE COLD DEAD but sadly the film tries to be too mainstream and it just doesn't work.

STONE COLD DEAD has a lot flaws including the fact that it's just never brave enough to cross the line into a darker territory. The film plays around with various dark elements but it never crosses the line to where the film would be more memorable. It really comes across as a watered down version of something you'd see on 42nd Street and it's anyone's guess why they didn't try to push the envelope further.

What really kills the film though is the fact that there's really not any suspense and none of the characters are all that detailed or interesting. Crenna gives a good performance as he always does and he certainly helps carry the film. Both Paul Williams and Linda Sorensen are good in their supporting parts as well. I will also say that the reveal of the killer is another plus as I certainly didn't see it coming.

STONE COLD DEAD certainly isn't a bad movie but at the same time there's just nothing here to separate it from the dozens of other films out there like it.
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