Batman: The Sport of Penguins (1967)
Season 3, Episode 4
Penguin Shines As Always But....
16 June 2018
Penguin and a totally new female villain get into horse racing.

I am fully aware that Ethel Merman (Lola Lasagne) is one of those old Hollywood stars who was probably wonderful in her younger days, but she is not young here, in fact in this Bat-adventure she comes over as some raving old woman. Her spoken words here were so boring to me that it was a struggle to actually take in what she was saying. But now that I have got that out of my system, let me move onto the positive aspects of this horse racing episode.

All the bits with Burgess Meredith (The Penguin) AWAY from Merman are just fine and that moment where he just wanders into the library and commits such an obvious crime will get a laugh out of most. Also, he is great again at the end.

As I have said in my previous reviews, this 1966 Batman series is just not capable of doing a bad episode, when one element of an episode (Merman) is not working out too well, there is always something or someone else to focus on instead.

Several Merman fans will click the "not useful" vote for this review, but that's life.
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