Fun to be had in the fisticuffs, but they sometimes overshadow the plot.
9 June 2018
'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)' is essentially a less nuanced version of 'Captain America: Civil War (2016)'. It presents an interesting premise but does mostly boil it down to its most barebones of beats, with more moments ending up in high-flying but appropriately weighty fisticuffs than in character development or other narrative-based thought. Still, there's consistent fun to be had and, though the characterisations are all fairly basic and unfaltering, the admittedly fairly generic story tries to be at the forefront of the piece at all times. There are only some sections in which that focus seems to have been slightly misplaced, moments in which the punch-ups overshadow the plot. Even then, however, there's always entertainment in seeing our heroes fight their C-list - and sometimes even D-list - foes (with a few more famous cameos thrown in for fun), even when it would better serve the narrative for a more subtle scene. Silly moments come and go, too, but can all but be forgotten in the wider context of the piece. In the end, this is enjoyable but pretty one-note stuff. 6/10
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