Must See
30 May 2018
'What is the last ANALOG thing in a digital world...? HUMANS.' Even when it comes to the basics like social media, google and GPS, I've had to ask myself, "Do I control it? Or does it control me?" Or substitute the word 'control' with 'depend on.' At best the lines are blurred. To say that we are like infants suckling at the teat of technology may not be overstating things. And then there is the inevitable concept of A.I. Artificial Intelligence which already exists. A fascinating documentary that explores the current human/AI condition is: DO YOU TRUST THIS COMPUTER? From the makers of Who Killed the Electric Car, this doco asks the leading minds in the field all the hard questions while referencing relevant movies such as Terminator, Matrix, Ex-Machina and even Robocop. Just to clarify, this is not a 'conspiracy' doco, but it's scarily confronting and definitely worth the watch!
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