An interesting experiment that mostly pays off but does get tiring.
10 May 2018
'Hardcore Henry (2016)' is an interesting experiment, an action film told entirely from the first-person perspective. At times, it provides a unique kind of entertainment you won't find pretty much anywhere else. It's admirable what the team behind the picture were able to achieve with their limited budget and camera restrictions. Some of the already elaborate stunt work is made even more impressive when you realise that the performer(s) for the eponymous 'Henry' couldn't wear a safety wire due to the 360 degree view required for the camera to seamlessly navigate through the sequences. The video-game feel - which is bolstered by several clichés, such as a silent protagonist and 'tutorial' moments -can lead to some frustration as it just seems like you're watching someone else play when you'd rather take the controls yourself. The outlandish plot and mile-a-minute pacing, along with the constrained camera-view, do get tiresome quickly, too. As such, this as an interesting movie worth a watch once for its surface value, but not much more. Plus, it is likely to cause some motion-sickness if that's something you suffer from, and maybe even if you don't. 6/10.
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