Taxi Driver...sort of
24 April 2018
Lynne Ramsay's movie "You were Never Really Here" is being compared to "Taxi Driver" and yeah, when you have a scene where a vigilante lays waste to a prostitution den of underage girls you're going to get that comparison. Otherwise the movie is more subdued.

Joaquin Phoenix is Joe, an Iraqi war veteran who often needs to put a plastic bag over his head just to escape the major anxiety he feels. This is a violent man but he tries to make up for it by caring for his old mother and being an avenging angel.

He's called upon to save an underage girl and what follows is gritty, violent, and intense, with a few devastating surprises thrown in. But there is also a slowness here, that may be off-putting to some, deliberately there so we consider the film's significance.

Unfortunately that point-that violence begets more violence to a suffocating degree- feels like it's been done far too many times to really call it a study.

So this won't be a movie for everybody but if you like brooding performances, you'll love Phoenix's introspective turn. With only flashbacks for character development and few words spoken, he brings out Joe's turmoil nicely.

If you liked this, check out Craig James Review on Youtube for more
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